Four Benefits Of Marriage Counseling When Things Are Going Well

Many people wait to seek marriage counseling until their marriage is in trouble. And while marriage counseling may save a struggling marriage, sometimes waiting until there's trouble is too little, too late. You're better off seeking marriage counseling when everything is going well in your marriage. Doing so can prevent problems down the road and also offer these benefits.

1. You will learn how to resolve conflicts without fighting.

There are going to be things you disagree with in your marriage. That's completely normal. Marriage counseling will teach you how to handle these disagreements in a healthy, respectful way utilizing good communication skills. This way, you don't end up in a fight with your spouse, and you also won't be afraid to bring up problems that are bothering you.

2. You will learn how to think about your spouse's needs.

Marriage is an act of balance. You need to balance your spouse's needs and your own. There can be a bit of a learning curve in this regard since up until you were married, you only had to focus on your own needs. A counselor can help you learn to think of your spouse's needs and also communicate with your spouse about your own needs so that the two of you are better able to care for each other.

3. You will learn how to stand up for yourself without being aggressive. 

There may be times when you need to stick up for yourself in marriage. It's important that you know how to do this assertively, rather than aggressively. In other words, you will learn how to stick up for what you need and want without making your spouse feel like their wants and needs are not important. If you have had trouble with anger management in the past, your counselor can help you learn to manage your anger without becoming entirely passive.

4. You will learn to express your feelings.

So many people become accustomed to keeping their needs locked deep inside. But marriage is about sharing these deep, often hidden feelings with your spouse. Your marriage counselor can show you some activities that will help you share your feelings with your spouse. He or she will also show you how to make your spouse feel more comfortable opening up around you.

Even though your marriage is going well right now, it's beneficial to see the marriage counselor a few times. It's like preventative health care for your marriage! For more information, visit websites like
