Getting Mental Health Therapy For Trauma

People who experience a traumatic event or traumatic experience often feel alone. However, trauma is more common than most people realize. In fact, 60% of men and 50% of women experience trauma at least once in life. These traumas can lead to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. If you suffer from trauma-related mental illness, you are not alone and there is help. Learn more about getting mental health therapy for trauma. 

Look for a therapist who specializes in trauma

Similar to how a medical doctor may specialize in orthopedic surgery or pediatrics, psychologists specialize in certain areas. Find a therapist in your network who specializes in trauma. Also, learn the abilities of the therapist. All therapists are qualified to provide talk therapy. However, only certain therapists can provide an official diagnosis. Only certain therapists can prescribe medications, too. 

Consider your treatment options

There are numerous ways to treat mental disorders related to anxiety. The first thing to consider is whether you were open to medication or not. If you require medication, it limits your list of doctors. However, you'll be properly medicated. Alternatively, there are holistic ways to treat disorders. The therapist will also attempt to make breakthroughs with psychotherapy methods, such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing), 

Open up to your therapist about your feelings

Some people want to divulge their emotional problems to their therapist. Other people find it more difficult to open up. If you find yourself struggling to open up about your trauma, start small. Express your feelings instead of going into the details of your trauma. If you don't seem to be able to connect with your therapist after a couple of months, try another therapist to see if they can relate to you better. 

Dedicate yourself to therapy

Therapy is a gift you give yourself, but you have to work at it. The first step is to dedicate yourself to your therapy by committing to weekly sessions. If you receive medicine, take it as prescribed. If the therapist gives you homework, go above and beyond. When you commit to your therapy, you commit to your happiness. 

Despite the severity of the disorder, it's important to treat mental issues. Even mild anxiety can impede your professional and personal relationships. Furthermore, the anxiety can grow until it becomes unbearable. Don't let that happen. Find a mental health psychologist who specializes in trauma today.

For more information, reach out to a mental health therapy clinic near you.
